Laptop on desk in office building with sunset in background

What we do

We specialise in the research and development of software, algorithms and mathematical models - with the specific goal of accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy. We help clients working on sustainable products and initiatives to take advantage of A.I. and other state-of-the-art technologies to create innovative solutions for tomorrow's world.

Engineer working on solar panels at sunset

Our mission

Our planet is at a tipping point - climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse have pushed our natural world to its very limits. We urgently need to find more sustainable ways of living. Technology will play a big role in the transition, and our mission at Carbon Critical is to apply our technical expertise to projects that support a better future.

Sunsetting over a river with mountains in the background

For purpose, not profit

Carbon Critical is a non-profit company based in Auckland, New Zealand. We offer special contracting rates to clients working on projects that directly cut emissions or tackle environmental issues. In addition to providing contracting services, we are also developing our own climate initiatives, such as the Net Zero Fund, to maximise our positive impact.

Our clients

Te Weu Tairawhiti
Scion Research
Interpine Innovation
Green Way
Encounter Solutions
ZOZO New Zealand
Cacophony Project

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